Heartwarming Contact with Our Galactic Family.
Events with Ishuwa and the Yahyel are real communications with our galactic soul family. The Yahyel have
been invited by our world's collective consciousness to be one of the first from our galactic soul family to openly meet
with us in person on Earth, peacefully, enjoyably and develop mutually rewarding relationships with us.
Live ET Communication.
At these events with Shaun channeling Ishuwa of the Yahyel, you can talk with Ishuwa or
simply listen in and enjoy the cosmic family experience. Talk, listen, relax, awaken, learn, heal, share, rejuvenate, grow, strengthen,
empower, enlighten. These events are opportunities to experience communication with our galactic soul family in
uplifting, exciting, fulfilling and rewarding ways!
Open Q and A with Ishuwa.
Events provide opportunities to get answers to questions about life, your life, life on Earth and ET life.
Valuable Insights.
Ishuwa and the Yahyel share personal experiences and fascinating details about the
unconditionally loving relationships that exist within a multitude of highly intelligent civilizations
in our galaxy and beyond.
Magnificent Loving Humans On Earth!
Ishuwa and the Yahyel live in harmony with all life on their beautiful planet where everyone has an abundance of everything
they enjoy experiencing every day. The Yahyel are helping us remember how to live in harmony with Earth and with one another on all levels
of our existence together. They help us realize the magnificent and loving beings that we actually are.